Tips, updates and inside information

Make your selection from the stories below

Buy a property for me
I want the Buyer Success Program
The big mistake property buyers make

Irrespective of how high or low the interest goes, there's one big mistake property buyers continue to make. This issue will make the difference between property success or failure, financial wins...

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Why use a Buyers Advocate?

How can you gain a property market edge?

Even before the Great Virus Crisis landed on our doorstep, the property market had become a very tricky environment. An area with vast potential to make a...

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Time for a property review

Irrespective of your views of how interest rates will impact the Australian property market in the future, there's no doubting there's been changes in the market.

Any market change will open up...

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Commission free zone = bullsh_t free zone

First . .a confession. I'll say right up front this will be a bit of a sarcastic blog. But after years and years of watching what happens to people who become victims of bad advice, I have finally...

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Lifestyle suburbs - to buy or not to buy

In the theme of looking towards a lovely break – whether it is just one day or three weeks – thoughts of moving to holiday or lifestyle locations often come to mind.

Strategy switch


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Property luck and how to get it

"Gee . . they've been lucky". I hear this quite often when speaking to groups about what our clients have achieved. The truth is that people who experience 'property luck' have listened and acted...

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