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April 2024 reveals new leaders in property prices

The latest performance data shows home values remaining strong, lifting by 0.6 per cent nationwide in April. This matches the gains recorded in the previous two months and extends the upswing for...

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How to Deal with a Shonky Sales Agent

I really feel for buyers at the moment.  Stock levels for properties available to purchase are at historically low levels, 120,000 less than the same time five years ago.

Couple this with the...

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The best four apps to streamline your property purchase

It seems like every day now we hear about another new app or property platform that’s designed to provide ‘property market insights’ and streamline your property purchase.


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How many properties do you need?

When you’re planning out your investing strategy, one of the first aspects to consider is the number of properties you need or want. Without spending hours crunching through detailed...

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Agile v idle property – which one is for you?

Every day I’m asked the same question over and over . . what’s the best type of property to buy now?

The property market – like all markets – is always changing. When it...

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Property Risk v Fear v Reward

We all face it at some point . . that precipice between risk v reward, then dealing with that old monster . . fear. Whether you’re an experienced investor, or it’s your first property,...

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