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I want the Buyer Success Program
Price is not the only key to property negotiation

After a long and detailed search trying to find something within your budget, it can be easy forget there’s so many other points apart from price to use as leverage when negotiating your...

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Forecasting versus mud-slinging

Well 2024 has started and the usual games have begun.  The game this month?  Who can convince us they know where property prices are heading this year before it becomes blindingly obvious...

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Top five insider tips for renovation success

Over the past two years – actually more like two and a half years if you include the preparation and approvals time – I have been a member of a unique, though huge, group of people.


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Is it time to consider apartments?

For many, many years I have been totally anti-apartments. All I did was take a look at the amazing opportunities in buying houses – often for a much lower price – and I wouldn't even...

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NDIS property pros v cons

There's plenty of ways to be successful with property. Conversely, there's plenty of traps. The trick is knowing which is which.

In this article we'll take a look at the NDIS property approach.


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The mortgage cliff v supply

After all the scare mongering and media hype about the mortgage cliff, we've arrived at what was forecast as the peak transition period, a three-month duration where the bulk of the sub 2% interest...

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